Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University


LAST UPDATE 2017/02/25

  • 研究者氏名
    Researcher Name

    木戸秋悟 Satoru KIDOAKI
    教授 Professor
  • 所属
    Professional Affiliation

    Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University

    分子集積化学部門 医用生物物理化学分野
    Laboratory of Biomedical and Biophysical Chemistry
  • 研究キーワード
    Research Keywords

    Cell manipulation materials
    Nanofiber technology
Research Subject
Development of mechanobio-materials for cell manipulation and study on the cell mechanobiology

研究の背景 Background


Design of materials that can be well compatible with living system is essential in the regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. For the biomaterials design, not only surface biochemical /bulk physico-chemical properties but also mechanical property of the materials must be optimized. Especially, cells and tissues respond to the mechanical field in living system and biomaterials. Development of biomaterials that can respond to and manipulate the cell mechanobiology is strongly expected to enhance tissue engineering application.

研究の目標 Outcome


Our goal is to explore the novel technology to control and detect functional modulations in various types of living cells based on the development of “mechanobio-materials” that can manipulate cell mechanobiology. One of the challenges is optimization in micromechanical field of stem cell culture for keeping high quality of stemness. The other challenge is development of cell diagnostics to detect characteristic motility phenotype of cancer cells on the well-designed micromechanical field of cell culture sustratre.

研究図Research Figure

Fig. 1. Expression of differentiation markers for neuro-, myo-, and osteogenic lineages on msenchymal stem cell cultured for one week on microelastically-patterned gels and control plain gels. Fig.2. Proliferation curves of iPS cells cultured on 50-kPa gel with different surface density of fixed laminins.

文献 / Publications

Ueki and S. Kidoaki*, Manipulation of cell mechanotaxis by designing curvature of the elasticity boundary on hydrogel matrix, Biomaterials, 41, 45-52, 2015.
S. Kidoaki*, H. Sakashita, Rectified cell migration on saw-like micro-elastically patterned hydrogels with asymmetric gradient ratchet teeth, PLOS One, 8(10),e78067, 2013.
