Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University


LAST UPDATE 2024/02/08

  • 研究者氏名
    Researcher Name

    大野真之 Saneyuki OHNO
    准教授 Assistant Professor
  • 所属
    Professional Affiliation

    Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University

    資源プロセス研究センター エネルギーデバイス化学研究分野
    Center for Mineral Processing and Metallurgy
    Division of Chemistry of Energy Conversion Devices
  • 研究キーワード
    Research Keywords

    Energy Storage Devices
    Solid-State Chemistry and Physics
    Solid-State Ionics
Research Subject
Development of next-generation energy devices based on solid-state chemistry and carrier dynamics, e.g., solid-state batteries, solid electrolytes, and thermoelectrics

研究の背景 Background


Assuming a future in which completely clean energy is available without limit, devices that store energy are essential to effectively use that energy off the grid. In energy storage and conversion devices, carriers exist to freely manage the electrical, thermal, and chemical energy, and device performances strongly depend on the dynamics of those carriers in materials. Our aim is to create next-generation energy devices by taking complete control and understanding of the transport of ions, electrons, and heat, in particular.

研究の目標 Outcome


Optimum carrier dynamics in solids are essential for high-performance energy devices. Thus, establishing material design principles based on mechanistic understanding is one of the core research aims. However, the devices built with developed high-performance materials can easily be poor if the critical interfacial phenomena are overlooked. Our goal is to advance our understanding of a wide range of dimensions, from materials to interfaces, to realize the next generation of energy devices.

研究図Research Figure

文献 / Publications

Advanced Energy Materials 13 (17), 2203426 (2023); Nature Energy 7 (8), 686-687 (2022); Chemistry of Materials 34 (12), 5634-5643 (2022); Advanced Functional Materials 31 (18), 2010620 (2021); Advanced Energy Materials 11 (31), 2101370 (2021)
