Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University


LAST UPDATE 2024/08/20

  • 研究者氏名
    Researcher Name

    志賀大亮 Daisuke SHIGA
    助教 Assistant Professor
  • 所属
    Professional Affiliation

    Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University

    無機材料研究部門 ナノ機能物性化学分野
    Division of Inorganic Material Research, Nano Physical Chemistry
  • 研究キーワード
    Research Keywords

    Strongly correlated oxides
    Oxide nanostructures
    Synchrotron-radiation spectroscopies
Research Subject
Synthesis and synchrotron analysis of functional oxide nanostructures

研究の背景 Background


Strongly correlated oxides (SCOs), with multiple degrees of freedom in their electronic (charge, orbital, and spin) and lattice systems, exhibit unique electronic properties with significant practical implications. The development of practical devices utilizing SCOs' uniqueness is rationalized through a cyclic scheme: (1) clarification of the operating mechanism via advanced measurements of electronic and crystal structures in device operation; (2) design of desired device structures based on the knowledge obtained from the measurements.

研究の目標 Outcome


This research aims to rationally design practical SCO devices by integrating the synthesis of nanoscaled SCO multilayer structures, which mimic device structures, and synchrotron analysis of their electronic and crystal structures. This research strategy can be deployed to material design based on 'multimodal analysis' using artificial intelligence and to the functional development of not only SCOs but also other candidate materials.

研究図Research Figure

文献 / Publications

バナジウム酸化物デバイス界面に出現する新たな電子相に関する研究, PF News 39, 2, 10 (2021).
Phys. Rev. B 109, 115114 (2023). Commun. Mater. 4, 27 (2023). Nat. Commun. 12, 7070 (2021). Phys. Rev. B 102, 115114 (2020). Phys. Rev. B 99, 125120 (2019).