Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University


LAST UPDATE 2017/02/25

  • 研究者氏名
    Researcher Name

    五島健太 Kenta GOTO
    助教 Assistant Professor
  • 所属
    Professional Affiliation

    Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University

    Division of Applied Molecular Chemistry
  • 研究キーワード
    Research Keywords

    Photo-mechanical (kinetic) energy transformation
    Liquid-liquid phase separation
    Multiple emulsions and multiple droplets
    Organic nanoparticles
Research Subject
Developing of phase‐separated emulsions and multiple droplets that mimic a function of living organisms

研究の背景 Background

生命とは,次のように定義される:膜がある.代謝がある.自己複製ができる.一方で,私たちが開発した多重エマルション・液滴には次のような性質がある:境界がある.化学反応をともなう物質移動が生じる.自発的に相似な関係をつくる(Fig. 1 ).

Life is defined as follows: a) It has a membrane. b) It carries out metabolism. c) It can self-replicate. On the other hand, the multi-phase emulsion droplets we have developed have the following properties: a) They have a boundary. b) They undergo mass transfer with chemical reaction, namely, undergoing metabolism. c) They spontaneously form self-similar relationships. Multi-phase droplets are droplets that contain other droplets within them, and they have a high degree of symmetry and beautiful geometric structures. We have developed a simple method for generating multi-phase droplets using a microfluidic device using a 3D printer1).

研究の目標 Outcome


This research aims to explore the boundary between living organisms and matter, and to create materials and states of matter that function like living organisms. Ultimately, the goal is to create a new platform of material intelligence that can coexist with artificial intelligence.

研究図Research Figure

Fig.1. 多重液滴とマトリョーシカ:入れ子の構造になっているマトリョーシカは自己相似な関係にある.一番小さな人形が手にしているのは,マイクロ流路とよばれる,液体と液体とを混ぜる装置で,それにより多重構造をもった液滴(背景)の形成が可能となった2)

Fig.2 Fe-SCN化学交換反応(左)多重液滴が形成されたマイクロ流路内では,赤色のFe-SCN錯体が液滴の前方から流入し,液滴内側の油滴相に集まっている.一方,液滴の後方は,主に水やアルコール分子が流出するため,無色のFe-H2O錯体が生成する.このため液滴は,あたかもお掃除ロボットのように通過後方域に非着色領域が生じさせる.(右)同じ濃度のFe-SCN錯体

文献 / Publications

1) K. Goto, K. Nakanishi, F. Tani, S. Tokuda, Droplet 2024, 3 (1), e93.
2) K. Goto, K. Nakanishi, F. Tani, S. Tokuda, Droplet 2024, 3 (1), e111.
