Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
LAST UPDATE 2022/11/04
Researcher Nameロレンツォ カッティ Lorenzo CATTI
助教 Assistant Professor -
Professional Affiliation東京科学大学総合研究院化学生命科学研究所
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
Molecular synthesis, Yoshizawa-Sawada Laboratory -
Research KeywordsSupramolecular Chemistry
Polyaromatic Nano-Tools
Biofunctional Chemistry
Aqueous Nanoreactors
- 研究テーマ
Research Subject -
Synthesis and Function of Supramolecular Capsules
研究の背景 Background
The bottom-up fabrication of nanostructures from self-assembling building blocks is being heavily studied for the development of next-generation nano-tools. The properties of small molecules are heavily altered within these nanostructures, when compared to conventional glass flasks. Our group has established bent anthracene dimers as emerging building blocks, which allow the formation of water-soluble nanostructures using coordination, covalent and non-covalent bonds.
研究の目標 Outcome
Using bent anthracene dimers as the basis, I aim to develop novel nanocapsules with unique internal and external functionalities. In order to fine-tune the properties of encapsulated guest molecules, or to induce reactions, I plan to install functional groups within these nanocapsules. I furthermore aim to increase the biocompatibility of our nanocapsules in order to advance their bio-applications, including sensing, labeling and drug-delivery.
研究図Research Figure
文献 / Publications
Selected examples: Coord. Chem. Rev. 2022, 460, 214460; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 9361–9367;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 11881–11885; Acc. Chem. Res. 2019, 52, 2392–2404; Nature Commun. 2019, 10, 1948;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 14589–14592.