Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University

LAST UPDATE 2023/08/01
Researcher Name金城克樹 Katsuki KINJO
助教 Assistant Professor -
Professional Affiliation東北大学多元物質科学研究所
無機材料研究部門 スピン量子物性研究分野
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University
Division of Inorganic Material Research, Quantum Spin Physics -
Research Keywords金属磁性体/中性子散乱/低温測定
Intermetallic magnet / Neutron scattering / Low-temperature measurements
- 研究テーマ
Research Subject -
Research on unique electronic states originating from internal degrees of freedom in intermetallic using neutron scattering technique
研究の背景 Background
Electrons in solids are known to exhibit an unexpectedly wide variety of physical properties from a single electron. Among these, magnetic intermetallic are the stage where a wide variety of quantum phases such as superconductivity, frustrated magnetism, and multipole order emerge. Itinerant electrons provide an ideal stage for novel quantum phases to emerge through variety of interactions. Neutron scattering measurements are a powerful technique for studying the internal structure and dynamics of materials. Using this technique, it is possible to elucidate the peculiar electronic structure of intermetallic compounds due to the internal degrees of freedom.
研究の目標 Outcome
As the title suggests, the subject of our research is intermetallic compounds. We will elucidate the physics of the various quantum phases that arise from the interaction of itinerant electrons, and characterize the unique electronic states that result from the internal degrees of freedom of these phases. Furthermore, we will investigate the mechanism of how such electronic states manifest their physical properties and enable the control of these properties.
研究図Research Figure

Fig.2. Single crystals of intermetallic with Kagome structure.
文献 / Publications
- Katsuki.kinjo.c6
- 個人HP:
- 研究室HP: