Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University

LAST UPDATE 2020/11/09
Researcher Name三上秀治 Hideharu MIKAMI
教授 Professor -
Professional Affiliation北海道大学電子科学研究所
生命科学研究部門 光情報生命科学研究分野
Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
Laboratory of Information Biophotonics, Division of Biology and Life Sciences -
Research Keywords高速バイオイメージング
High-speed bio-imaging
Large-scale 3D fluorescence imaging
Image data analysis of biological tissues using deep learning
Optogenetic control of living organisms by lightwave engineering
- 研究テーマ
Research Subject -
High-speed optical access to biological tissues by the integration of optics and informatics
研究の背景 Background
Light has long been a useful tool for observing and manipulating biological samples, and especially in the 21st century, it has become increasingly important with the development of technologies for manipulating fluorescent and photoresponsive proteins. In recent years, the amount of data handled has increased dramatically along with the increase in dimensionality of the data have brought the amount of information acquired from biological samples to a standstill. In order to overcome this situation, there is a strong need for "smart" optical technology that can more efficiently access biological samples and acquire the desired information.
研究の目標 Outcome
We approach the above issues by integrating optical technologies and information technologies. Specifically, we aims to shed light to unexplored life phenomena by exploring the limits of information-theoretic imaging speed and sensitivity, extracting information from imperfect optical images specialized for desired information, and developing methods to control optical imaging and optical manipulation in an integrated manner.
研究図Research Figure

Fig.2. Volumetric image of neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans that express Yellow Cameleon 2.60.
文献 / Publications
Lab on a Chip 20, 3074-3090 (2020). Nature Communications 11, 3452 (2020). Lab on a Chip 20, 2263-2273 (2020). Nature Communications 11, 1162 (2020). Nature Protocols 14, 2370–2415 (2019). Cell 175(1), 266-276.e13 (2018). Chem 4(10), 2278-2300 (2018). Biomed. Opt. Express 9(7), 3424-3433 (2018). Optica 5(2) 117-126 (2018).
- hmikami
- https://www.mikamilab.org/