Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University


LAST UPDATE 2024/08/09

  • 研究者氏名
    Researcher Name

    橋谷田俊 Shun HASHIYADA
    助教 Assistant Professor
  • 所属
    Professional Affiliation

    Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University

    Nanosystem Optical Manipulation
  • 研究キーワード
    Research Keywords

    Helical Dichroism
    Conservation Law of Optical Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum
Research Subject
Exploring interaction between chiral nanomaterials and light carrying spin and orbital angular momentum

研究の背景 Background


An object that cannot be superimposed onto its mirror image, like left and right hands, is said to be chiral. Chiral objects are ubiquitous in nature. It is well known that most of the materials that make up organisms on Earth have chiral structures, and thus chirality plays an important role in the manifestation of biological functions. Light, which carries spin and orbital angular momentum, also exhibits chirality. Clarifying the interactions between such chiral light and matter is crucial for detecting and controlling the chirality of material structures using light.

研究の目標 Outcome


We develop experimental and theoretical analysis methods to elucidate chiral light-matter interaction. For the experimental method, we develop a technique to rapidly modulate the chirality of light carrying spin and orbital angular momentum. By measuring the asymmetric (chiral) optical responses of matter to left- and right-handed chiral light as helical dichroism (HD), we clarify the relationship between the angular momentum of light and chiral optical responses. For the theoretical analysis method, we develop a technique to evaluate the angular momentum transfer from light to matter using electromagnetic field analysis, based on the conservation of angular momentum of light.

研究図Research Figure

Optical system for the rapid modulation of the left- and right-handed optical vortices and the helical dichroism (HD) measurements of helical phase holograms drawn on the spatial light modulator used as a pseudo-HD active sample

文献 / Publications

S. Hashiyada & Y. Y. Tanaka, Rapid modulation of left- and right- handed optical vortices for precise measurements of helical dichroism, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 95, 053101 (2024).
